Here is my free 10 minute audio file called Managing Your Daily Practice Schedule Toward Peak Performance.
Why is managing your daily schedule so important?
Because if you can’t execute your practice schedule on demand every day in a timely and productive way, you will not have the discipline to take your performance to the next level. If you can’t control your daily schedule, you will not have effectively demonstrated to yourself that you have what it takes. As a result, you will not have the necessary confidence in yourself to perform at the highest level. In other words, attaining peak performance starts with you and how you operate on a daily basis. This is a foundation skill and you must learn it and be able to execute it before any other training efforts will be effective.
I learned this the hard way. I have always been pretty productive, organized and efficient. But, after having two children, running three businesses and investing in my marital relationship, I had to get even more focused and deliberate if I wanted to develop my peak performance training business. I found that exercising the first thing in the morning set up my entire day in terms of time management, energy needed and avoiding procrastination (who likes to do expense accounting and tax preparation?). I learned to push my daily schedule to the next level and my confidence soared, my efficiency improved and concentration and focus sharpened. All of this tells me that I have what it takes to succeed and can do my best on demand, every day until my goal is achieved.
Listen to the audio file and I encourage you to try what I am suggesting. See if it works for you the way it has for me.